Lydia Smith

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It's my Birthday tomorrow. Today, it's a fellow sculptor's birthday (massive celebrations towards all Taurus’s ). He is a fellow sculptor—a very successful one at that! He's gay… openly gay; he doesn't hide it (nor should he). His artwork also sometimes reflects his own life experience as a Gay man.

NOW… in the Art world… a WORLD that is meant to be accepting and full of vibrancy and colour (which can also be extremely sexist, racist and homophobic), has told him that he is….

“The wrong type of gay”

I know…. I’m just as shocked as you.

It seems that we have come ‘so far’ (i jest) that we now have a hierarchy determining what type of gay you can or can’t be. He raises a huge NEW issue that has arisen not only in the art world but, I believe, across society as a whole…. the MARKETING OF IDENTITY instead of acceptance of identity.

Could it be that being Gay is now accepted, but to unlock the doors to success, you must be the “right type of Gay” to warrant being worthy of association? In turn, the individual would help with the marketing of the brand, institution, or company by association. This is done with the intention of the collaborator to gain social INCLUSIVITY stars, profiting off another’s lived experience.

We can swap ‘GAY’ out with any hot identity of the moment… meaning… HAS IDENTITY BECOME A TREND

Is it not enough for an Artist to be an Artist and communicate their vision and messages without also being Branded and Marketable with a social-political sparkle?

Probably not, as society experiences cultural waves. As we regulate and find acceptance on shore, a large wave crashes against a Rock in the distance, ready to disturb our progress.